Including ... Featured Articles • President's Messages • Attorney Questions of the Month • Book Reviews 


The Shifting Burden of Proof. An Interview with Massad Ayoob. An educational look into what is required to prove the elements of self defense when you are being charged with murder, manslaughter or assault. (Dec 2020)
Lessons in Preparation: An Interview with Erick Gelhaus. In 2013, an on-duty shooting by a California sheriff’s deputy was sensationalized by news and social media to the extent that protestors blocked traffic on highways, and a multi-year investigation and civil rights lawsuit against the deputy ensued(Nov 2020)
Initial Aggressor: Losing the Right to Argue Self Defense. Pt. 2 of an Interview with Attorney Jim Fleming. A law-abiding citizen, claiming he or she was using force in self defense, can find their self-defense decisions are overshadowed by foregoing events to the extent that the criminal justice system will not allow the accused to cite self defense as the reason for injuring or killing an attacker. (Oct 2020
Initial Aggressor: Losing the Right to Argue Self Defense. Pt. 1 of an Interview with Jim Fleming. When we consider criminal cases that follow use of force, a common problem area questions whether a confrontation that devolved into a physical fight or a shooting was started and fueled by the defendant’s combative, aggressive words or actions. (Sep 2020)
Defense Against Mobs: An Interview with Massad Ayoob. Massad Ayoob outlines a lot of areas of risk that we may not have previously identified, offers options for defense that we might not have considered, and emphasizes not answering that panther by not voluntarily going to where protests are under way. (Aug 2020)
The Psychology of Deterring Attackers – Part II.  An Interview with William Aprill. We're selected to be the victim of a crime. Once we’ve caught the predator’s attention, what steps can discourage an attack?(Jul 2020)
The Psychology of Deterring Attackers – Part I.  An Interview with William Aprill. Self defense aims to stop victimization before an attack can start. Although widely endorsed, little training is given in verbal deflection, de-escalation and deterrence.  (Jun 2020)
Family Concerns During and After Self Defense. An Interview with Doris, Mike and Alex Ooley. How families can better prepare for family safety and to weather the legal aftermath if a family member uses force in self defense. (May 2020)
The Science of Self Defense: The Network Goes to Force Science Institute. Marty talks about his experience attending the Force Science Institute Certification Course. (Apr 2020)
Defending Against School Shooters – Part II. An Interview with Dr. David R. Walker. Dr. Walker discusses the quality equipment and supplies used, the responses of children, their parents, and the community to the Guardian Program. (Mar 2020)
Defending Against School Shooters, Part I. An Interview with Dr. David R. Walker. Christoval Independent School District Superintendent has instituted an armed school defense program that is effective and has the support of the school board, the community, the school staff and the students. (Feb 2020)

President's Message 

President's Message: Update on the fight with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner. Definition help needed. Marty becomes a YouTube sensation! (Dec 2020)
President's Message: 
Insurance Commisioner Fight Update. Hail to the Chief! Membership Continues to Grow. Have You Seen Our YouTube Channel? Marty's New Column.
 (Nov 2020)
President's Message: Marty's thoughts on dealing with all that is happening lately. (Oct 2020)
President's Message: First Degree Murder Charges Against Member Dropped. Learn about a recent situation and how the Network immediately stepped in to help. (Sep 2020)
President's Message: Insurance Commisioner Fight. Certifying Deadly Force Instructors. Course Curriculum. Who Attends Deadly Force Instructor? (Aug 2020)
President's Message: COVID-19 Woes. Supreme Court's Ten Orphan Gun Rights Cases. The Network v. Washington Office of Insurance Commissioner. Donation Thanks! (Jul 2020)
President's Message: COVID thoughts. Advice on using your phone after an incident. Update on the Network v. WA Insurance Commissioner. (Jun 2020
President's Message: A Nice Note. News about the fight with the WA Insurance Commissioner. Announcement on Deadly Force Instructor courses. (May 2020)
President's Message: The Network's response to the pandemic. (Apr 2020)
President's Message: Update on WA Insurance Commissioner. The Network Goes to Washington. More About Red Flag Laws. Marty goes to Force Science Institute. (Mar 2020)
President's Message: Legislative Testimony. (Feb 2020)
President's Message: The importance of keeping your membership current. More About the Insurance Commissioner. No SHOT Show for the Network. Nighthawk Custom Customer Service. The State of the Network. (Jan 2020)

Attorney Question

Attorney Question of the Month: Does your state authorize its governor to declare a state of emergency and may they restrict possession of weapons while the order is in force? Do weapon restrictions while under a state of emergency extend to licensed concealed carry, to possession of weapons at home, to possession of weapons while in one's automobile? (Dec 2020)
Attorney Question: What legal repercussions would result if an innocent motorist, threatened by a mob they see harming motorists pulled from cars or threatened directly by a violent attempt to break into their car while they are inside, drives deliberately through the area with flashers and horn active but hits and injures a person as they attempt to drive to safety? How does the motorist's responsibility change if the person hit is actively involved in the rioting or if it is another innocent person also attempting to get out of the danger area? Does the motorist's responsibility change if they hit a protestor blocking an onramp, offramp or city street who is not immediately threatening violence against them or other drivers? What, if any, role does fear of being blocked in and later harmed contribute to justifying a motorist endangering the lives of pedestrians blocking roads or freeway ramps during violent protests? (Nov 2020 - Part 2) (Oct 2020 - Part 1)
Attorney Question of the Month: If attacked by a person aiming a high-intensity laser at the eyes, does fear of permanent eye damage justify shooting the person wielding the laser? (Sep 2020)
Attorney Question of the Month:  If facing home intruders and arsonists moving through neighborhoods, are residents of your state required to wait until the home has been entered or a fire started on it to stop the attackers? How do your state’s laws differ on deadly force used to protect residents compared against preventing an arson of an occupied dwelling? What limits are placed on use of force to prevent other kinds of destruction to the home? What restrictions are in place as regards preventing destruction of attached garages, outbuildings or property like vehicles on the home’s lot? (Aug 2020 - Part 2)(Jul 2020 - Part 1
Attorney Question of the Month: With the threat of contracting the COVID-19 virus on everybody’s minds, members are asking what is the appropriate response to someone threatening them with exposure to COVID-19? May an armed citizen legally use deadly force to stop such a threat? (Jun 2020 - Part 2)(May 2020 - Part 1)
Attorney Question of the Month: In your jurisdiction are words alone sufficient to invoke an initial aggressor jury instruction, or must there be more than just words? (Apr 2020).
Attorney Question of the Month: Do laws prohibit shooting from or across roads and from vehicles make an exception for self defense? What legal issues could you envision arising from shooting back if caught in a moving attack? (Mar 2020 - Part 2)(Feb 2020 - Part 1
Attorney Question of the Month: If a Network member uses deadly force in defense in the presence of family, close associates, or in a workplace or church, what concerns would you as the member's attorney have about accuracy of witness statements given by those in close proximity to the incident? If the incident is witnessed by co-workers or church members or others who are present during a defense shooting, would you recommend witnesses request time to gather their wits before giving a witness statement? How can the witnesses be advised of that protection without impeding investigation of the incident? In a related matter, it is well-established that the person using force in self defense should have an attorney present when making a statement. May a spouse or child of a self-defense shooter be attended by legal counsel during questioning? (Jan 2020 - Part 3) (Dec 2019 - Part 2(Nov 2019 - Part 1)

Book/DVD Reviews

Book Review: Multiple Attackers: Your Guide to Recognition, Avoidance, and Survival by Marc MacYoung. A comprehensive study of the difficulties, both physical and legal, associated with defending against multiple assailants.  (Dec 2020)
Book Review: Fortitude: American Resilience in the Era of Outrage by Dan Crenshaw. Crenshaw’s premise is that society has grown increasingly petty, reveling in emotional outbursts instead of working toward positive growth and concrete accomplishment. (Nov 2020)
Book Review: The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery - 7th Edition by Massad Ayoob. With troubled times bringing many new gun owners to the ranks of armed citizenry, the release of an updated edition of Combat Handgunnery is well-timed and will make an excellent gift to start a new gun owner on the path of the responsibly armed man or woman(Oct 2020)
Book Review: Blind Injustice. A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Convictions by Mark Godsey. How do wrongful convictions occur in a criminal justice system as extensive as that of the United States of America? (Sep 2020)
Podcast Review: ProArms Podcast. These programs are a lot of fun with diverse topics including competition and training, guns and gear, the shooting industry, and gun fight survival. (Jul 2020)
Book Review: The Conscience of the Constitution: The Declaration of Independence and the Right to Liberty by Timothy Sandefur.How our Declaration of Independence, which predated the US Constitution by a decade, set the standard our nation’s leaders carried forward while adapting from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution, then detailed in the Bill of Rights, and finally either upheld or eroded by subsequent Supreme Court decisions. (Jun 2020)
Book Review: Those Who Wander: America's Lost Street Kids by Vivian Ho. An award winning journalist becomes deeply involved as she covers the issue of homeless youth. (May 2020)
Book Review: Guilt by Accusation: The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo by Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz tells how he defended himself against media accusations and a federal lawsuit alleging that he sexually abused an underaged woman who was trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein. (May 2020)
Book Review: Deadly Force Encounters. Cops and Citizens Defending Themselves and Others by Alexis Artwohl Ph.D. and Loren W. Christensen. The book draws on a wide array of scholarly research, combined with experiences from the authors’ careers as a police psychologist and a police officer, to teach about how use of deadly force affects people. (Apr 2020)
Book Review: Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students by Andrew Pollock and Max Eden. Meadow Pollack, 18, was murdered on February 14, 2018 in Building 12 of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, FL. Her father has since become a very genuine voice advocating true school safety reform. (Mar 2020)
Book Review: Concealed Carry Class. The ABCs of Self-Defense Tools and Tactics by Tom Givens. Our advisory board member and a well-known popular armed defense instructor, distills his teachings on mindset, personal protection, and the armed lifestyle in a new Gun Digest book. (Feb 2020)
Book Review: Good Guys with Guns by Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman. This book’s lessons are illustrated by story after story of armed citizens of all ages, races and genders who saved their own lives or the lives of others by fighting back with legally owned firearms, all focused on the reason for the right to armed self defense. (Jan 2020)