Including ... Featured Articles • President's Messages • Attorney Questions of the Month • Book Reviews
Back to Basics; Avoiding Conflict: An Interview with John Farnam: by Gila Hayes (December 2022)
Back to Basics; Disparity of force: An Interview with Massad Ayoob: by Gila Hayes (November 2022)
Putting Training into context: An Interview with John Murphy: by Gila Hayes (October 2022)
Weighing Non-Gun Self-Defense Options: by Art Joslin, J.D., D.M.A (September 2022)
Introducing Our New Network Advisory Board Members: by Gila Hayes (August2022)
Attorney Recruitment Success: By Josh Amos. (August 2022)
Consistency in Concealed Carry: An Interview with Tom Givens (July 2022)
Thoughts on the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: by Art Joslin, J.D., D.M.A., Director of Legal Services (July 2022)
Supporting an Argument of Self Defense: How to spoil your self defense case (June 2022)
Travel Considerations for Armed Citizens: Research gun laws before traveling (May 2022)
Training for the Armed Citizen Pt 3: Legal Training for the Armed Citizen (April 2022)
Getting New Armed Citizens Started Right: An Interview with John Farnam (April 2022)
Training for the Armed Citizen Pt 2: Tactical Training (March 2022)
From Arrest to Trial: What Every Member Should Know About the Court Process (March 2022)
Training for the Armed Citizen: Gun Safety and Marksmanship Training (February 2022)
13 Years and Growing: A Member Support Organization Matures (January 2022)
Holding Parents Responsible: The process by which criminal charges against parents can be filed for the actions of a minor child (January 2022)
President's Message
President's Message: News Roundup (December 2022)
President's Message: Time caught up with me (November 2022)
President's Message: Purpose (October 2022)
President's Message: Round three, OIC appeal (September 2022)
President's Message: Eli Dicken and no-gun zones (August 2022)
President's Message: SCOTUS opinion in New York State Rifle & Pistol, Inc v Bruen (July 2022)
President's Message: Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network to Appeal Judge's Ruling (June 2022)
President's Message: Upcoming OIC hearing and Annual NRA meeting (May 2022)
President's Message: Washington State OIC status (April 2022)
President's Message: Remington Firearms Settlement, about "Self Defense Insurance" (March 2022)
President's Message: Marty Hayes background and decisions that led to forming ACLDN (February 2022)
President's Message: Responses to member emails and OIC update (January 2022)
Attorney Question
Attorney Question of the Month: Do you have personal experience with training becoming an issue in court for an armed citizen in a self-defense trial, and if so, what was the outcome?
Attorney Question of the Month: Do the laws in your state restrict the carrying of non-gun self-defense like pepper spray, TASERs or Kubotans?
Attorney Question of the Month: Do the laws in your state restrict carrying non-gun self-defense devices like pepper spray? (October 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: Does your state offer the option of deferred prosecution or deferred judgement/sentencing? (continued) (September 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: Does your state offer the option of deferred prosecution or deferred judgement/sentencing? (continued) (August 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: Does your state offer the option of deferred prosecution or deferred judgment/sentencing? (July 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: More responses from our affiliated attorneys regarding permitless carry. (June 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: In general, what is your opinion of permitless carry laws? (May 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: What has been your experience using self defense expert witnesses? What issues have you found most common in getting an expert admitted? (April 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: In your jurisdiction, under what circumstances can a judge refuse to grant bail? What is a typical bail amount for a murder or manslaughter charge in the area in which you practice law? What does a defendant typically have to pledge in assets for a bail bondsman to agree to write the bond? (March 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: In your jurisdiction, are there specific laws pertaining to keeping firearms secured and out of the reach of unauthorized persons such as a minor child? Have you witnessed or been a part of any trial, pre-trial, or other hearing where a parent or an adult has been criminally charged for a minor’s access to and/or use of a dangerous weapon? (February 2022)
Attorney Question of the Month: In your jurisdiction, are there specific laws pertaining to keeping firearms secured and out of reach of unauthorized persons such as a minor child? Have you witnessed or been a part of any trial, pre-trial, or other hearing where a parent or an adult has been criminally charged for a minor's access to and/or use of a dangerous weapon? (January 2022)
Book/DVD Reviews
Book Review: Real Heroes: Inspiring True Stories of Courage, Character and Conviction: By Lawrence W Reed
Book Review: There I was . . .When Nothing Happened: By Jason Brick
Book Review: Spotting Danger Before It Spots You: By Gary Dean Quesenberry (October)
Book Review: We'll be Back: The Fall and Rise of America: By Kurt Schlichter. (September 2022)
Book Review: Pivot Points, Creating a Culture of Preparedness and Resiliency in America: By Paul T Martin (August 2022)
Book Review: The American Revolution: A History: By Gordon S Wood (July 2022)
Book Review: Pool Cues, Beer Bottles, and Baseball Bats: Animal's Guide to Improvised Weapons for Self-Defense and Survival: By Marc MacYoung (June 2022)
Book Review: What Every BODY is Saying: By Joe Navarro (May 2022)
Book Review: Self-Defense Against A Dog Attack: By Loren W. Christensen (April 2022)
Book Review: Real World Gunfight Training: By Mike Ochsner (March 2022)
Book Review: Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution: By Myron Magnet (February 2022)
Book Review: Why the Innocent Plead Guilty and the Guilty Go Free: By Judge Jed S. Rakoff (January 2022)