Including ...The Value of Force-on-Force Training • President’s Message • Attorney Question • Book & Video Review • Editorial • About this Journal
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The Value of Force-on-Force Training
by Marty Hayes, J.D.
I participated in my first force-on-force training as a trainee police officer back in 1977. I was just starting my law enforcement career and had been selected to be a reserve deputy with the Kootenai County (ID) Sheriff’s Department. To teach the trainees proper traffic stop protocols, we role-played making traffic stops. This was valuable training, because the traffic stop was one of the most frequent law enforcement jobs and there was nothing except the role-play training to teach the trainee how to properly make traffic stops.
After a couple of years of working as a young police officer, I was hired out of state and attended the Spokane (WA) Police Academy, where during the training, I participated in several additional force-on-force training scenarios addressing domestic violence, more traffic stops, felony traffic stops and building searches. Again, I received valuable training, preparing me to face these difficult and dangerous policing activities while on the street.
President’s Message
by Marty Hayes, J.D.
I received the following in my e-mail the other day:
“Mr. Hayes, I'm new to gun ownership and getting educated about self defense, but you have provided a substantial part of just what I need: good info, a support network, a way to support others, and a feeling of community. Thank you!”
It was sent in by a new member and it gives me warm and fuzzies to know that the idea that Vincent, Gila and I had back in 2007 has become such a success. By success, I do not mean financial, but instead successful in educating people about the legalities of self defense and, of course, providing peace of mind knowing that if one of our 17,500 members chooses to act in self-defense, they have an organization that will assist them with the legal aftermath. That was our goal then, and it is our reality now. Thanks, Matt, for reminding me.
Attorney Question of the Month
This month’s question concerns witnesses at the scene of a defense shooting and comes to us from those involved in armed security for churches, although the question has broader implications. Police officers involved in shootings are rightly advised to wait for 48 to 72 hours before making a statement to investigators. This is well established. Armed citizens are similarly advised for the same sound reasons. Should the same 48 to 72 hour principle apply to witnesses closely involved in a defense shooting? We asked our Network Affiliated Attorneys for their thoughts on the following–
If a Network member uses deadly force in defense in the presence of family, close associates, or in a workplace or church, what concerns would you as the member’s attorney have about accuracy of witness statements given by those in close proximity to the incident?
If the incident is witnessed by co-workers or church members or others who are present during a defense shooting, would you recommend witnesses request time to gather their wits before giving a witness statement? How can the witnesses be advised of that protection without impeding investigation of the incident?
Book & Video Review
The Trayvon Hoax
Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America
By Joel Gilbert
Available as a book or video at
Reviewed by Gila Hayes
My extreme distaste for conspiracy theories is, perhaps, to my detriment in a world where political factions are willing to put forward any accusation, no matter how false, to win. Thus, when my husband expressed interest in filmmaker Joel Gilbert’s analysis of how Rachel Jeantel came to be a key witness in the murder trial against George Zimmerman in 2012, it was with some hesitation that I ordered the video.
Joel Gilbert has been lauded as an investigative journalist and I expected an exposé along the lines of the Pentagon Papers back in the ‘70s. Gilbert starts his video by explaining that the 2018 candidacy of Tallahassee’s radical socialist former mayor Andrew Gillum for Florida governor caught his attention because of Gillum’s unflagging message that self-defense rights allowed white people to shoot black people whom they merely found fearsome. His campaign rhetoric often mentioned Trayvon Martin’s death, parroting the line that the deceased was only carrying Skittles and iced tea and thus he posed no danger to Zimmerman.
Editor’s Notebook
by Gila Hayes
Making Safety Fun
Network member Mike T. has shouldered range safety officer responsibilities at the Georgia DNR shooting range he belongs to and he’s doing what he can to draw range members’ attention to the importance of safe gun handling–with special focus on youthful range members. Instead of relying on the standard range sign listing the Four Universal Gun Safety Rules, he has broken the rules into separate plaques which are presented by seasonal characters. With Halloween looming, this month’s presenters are a trio of ghosts.
The picture Mike sent of his safety display at the range was a great reminder that much of what we do to learn and practice armed self-defense skills, we do for those we love. That fact contains several facets. The first, on which Mike is scoring big points, is preparing young shooters to carry forward our armed lifestyle proving that with proper precautions, deadly weapons fill a very necessary personal defense role without posing a danger to innocent people. This is glaringly absent in the anti-gun diatribes to which we are regularly subjected through popular media.
About this Journal
The eJournal of the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc. is published monthly on the Network’s website at Content is copyrighted by the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc.