by Marty Hayes, J.D.Marty eJournal column pix

The silly season is upon us…and we are set to endure another nine months of presidential politics. I am not sure I can make it! I may need to disconnect from the grid for a while. I consider myself an educated, intelligent man, and it disgusts me to see the negative advertising going on. Candidates, just tell me who you are and how you plan to run the country. Is that too much to ask?

Rangemaster Tactical Conference

I look forward to seeing many of you at Tom Givens’ annual conference of trainers and serious students of the gun in a couple of weeks.

Members who have been with us since the beginning will remember that the first public announcement of the formation of the Network was made at the 2008 Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Here is a link to that account (

At this year’s conference, I am teaching a segment on emergency disarms (how to take guns away from people who are sticking them in your face). While we will concentrate on countering the individual assailant, we will also explore options for immediate action against long-guns and active shooter/terror incidents. I am thinking we need to record some of our work on camera and get the information out to our Network members who aren’t at the Tactical Conference. If you are there, though, come train with me!

The Network Keeps Growing

At the end of each month we check our status to see how we are doing. Each month we have more members than the previous month. With this growth in membership, everything else at the Network grows too–like the Legal Defense Fund, now approaching $700,000. But the negative is that our workload in the office also grows. So, if you try to reach us by phone, and get forwarded to voice mail, it is because all phone lines are tied up at the moment you are calling. Please leave a message with a phone number so we can call back. We will get back to you in a timely manner.

Our business model consists of giving personal service to our members, and while answering the phone personally is considered old fashioned, that is the way I have always conducted business. It is a fine line between hiring and training people, or putting that money back into the business (and Legal Defense Fund). So, if you call during business hours and Gila, Melissa or I don’t answer the telephone personally and immediately, it is because of the increased volume of calls, and the fact that we are talking with another member. Leave a name and phone number, and we will get back to you.

The Best TV Show Now Running!

I never thought in my wildest dreams I would end up being a TV star. Of course, I really am not a TV star, but I am getting some camera time for the Network on the Outdoor Channel’s original show The Best Defense, airing Wednesday nights. This season’s episodes will go for a few more weeks, then the whole season will repeat itself. In watching the shows this year, I think this is the best season ever. For those with a critical eye who are watching the show, can you spot the difference on the set between my segment and the other studio segments? Let me know via e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Facebook.

Getting Ready for NRA Annual Meeting

Vincent, Gila and I are making our plans for exhibiting at the National Rifle Association Annual Meeting, to be held May 20-22, 2016 in Louisville, KY. Hopefully, while in Louisville, we can run into jillions of Network members there with us in the Kentucky Exposition Center. We will have a new booth this year, so we expect to be easier to spot. Please make it a point to come and say hi, if you are a member, and if you are not, come and sign up for the Network!

That will do it for this month, stay safe.

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