The Firearms Press is Talking About the Network
Word is getting out about the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network, Inc. We appreciate the publicity the firearms media and authors give the Network as they spread word of the Network and its mission.
The Ayoob Files cites the Network's assistance of a member after a home-invasion shooting, in the January/February 2017 edition of American Handgunner. See for the whole story as detailed by Massad Ayoob.
On Handgun World Podcast, Paul Lathrop explains the false accusations that started a cascade of bad events, culminating in his arrest and criminal charges and how the Network provided what assistance it could, although he was not yet a member. Paul's compelling story can be heard at Don't miss it!
In an April, 2010 Tactical Wire column, Rich Grassi relates that Jeff Cooper once said, " 'Problem A is staying alive. Problem B is explaining it to the guys in the uniforms.' ... That was then - 1980s - and this is now. While there are so many problems now we didn't have in those 'good old days,' we have some help with Problem B - The Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network." Read his entire column toward the bottom of the webpage at this link.
Network President Marty Hayes contributed a great article on Common Mistakes in Self-Defense Shootings for the 2013 version of the Tactical Wire's Concealed Carry Special Edition. Be sure to read it at
Massad Ayoob cites the Network, in an article in his Self Defense and the Law column for Combat Handguns, and the article was subsequently reprinted online in Tactical Life. You can enjoy it at this link.
John Farnam endorsed the Network and its mission in his March 15, 2009 Quip archived at
Roy Huntington occasionally gives an update on the growth of the Network in the "Insider" column he writes as Editor of American Handgunner. These columns never fail to bring inquiries and new memberships into the Network. Check out American Handgunner's online editions at
In January of 2010, Concealed Carry Magazine editor Kathy Jackson interviewed Network President Marty Hayes. The extensive three-page interview candidly explores Hayes' early conceptualization of the Network, its introduction, two-year growth, and finally his hopes and aspirations for the organization. You can download a copy of the PDF at this link.
The April 29, 2009 edition of Michael Bane's Down Range Radio Show #107 featured the Network. Listen to it and Michael's other interesting topics on his podcast at
The Dillon Blue Press reaches a tremendous number of gun owners! The April 2009 issue of the Blue Press included a one-page article by Ron Brown that brought a lot of interest to the Network. See it at this link.
Al Norris wrote a great two-page article for the May 2009 issue of S.W.A.T. Magazine. These links will give you a copy:
Page 1 - SWAT1.pdf & Page 2 - SWAT2.pdf.
Ed Lovette features the Network in his column, Survival Savvy, in the February 2009 edition of Combat Handguns. Entitled Your Courtroom Defense Team: Get the skills and 'the Network' you need to survive! Ed's column focuses on the Network's educational initiative. Read it by clicking this link.
Survival Savvy by Ed Lovette.