Price: $340.00

Available Options

Additional Household Members:

Must reside in the Primary Member's household.
During checkout enter all additional Full Name(s) / email addres(s).

* Applicant's Statement:

I attest that under the laws of the United States of America, I am not legally prohibited from possessing firearms, that I am 18 years of age or older, and that I legally reside in the United States. I understand that any grant of benefits is limited to lawful acts of self defense.

Log in credentials for access to members-only portions of this website will not be created until the application is processed. When that is done, our membership services staff will create log in accounts for the new member and email their log in codes to you. Please whitelist This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to assure receipt of that notice. Membership cards and our member education videos and book will be mailed to the new member 7-10 business days after the application is processed.

If this purchase is a gift for someone else, please provide their name and information in Delivery Details during Checkout and note "Gift Membership" in Comments.

Membership benefits include attorney fees immediately paid to the attorney of your choice if you are involved in a self-defense incident (Not limited to gun use–see These funds are to get the attorney working immediately on your behalf, be sure the attorney has funding to hire an independent investigator and initiate other critical steps to protect your rights. Assistance to obtain a bail bond is also available. If you are prosecuted or sued after a legal and justifiable self-defense incident, the Network provides additional financial assistance to defray the substantial legal expenses of going to trial. Funding is also available for appeals and retrials, if needed.

As a member, you also have the option of requesting on-scene assistance after a shooting from Network President Marty Hayes or a Network representative he designates. Hayes’ after-hours emergency phone number is also shown on the back of your membership card and posted to member-only portions of the Network website.

If purchasing this membership as a gift:

  • During Checkout, fill in YOUR Address in the initial Billing Address area (ie: Address associated with your Credit Card).
  • Leave checkbox below address UNCHECKED
  • Fill in RECIPIENT's Address in second Delivery Address area

We are sorry, we cannot currently enroll Washington residents. This is a complex and evolving situation. To learn more, please click .

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