by Josh Amos
Hello, everyone! I have the pleasure of giving all my Network Affiliates great news about the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network this month. With the entry of market followers like the NRA going into the post self-defense support industry, as well as all of the existing competition, there is a lot of heat on the post self-defense market. So we are proud to announce that new memberships in the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network are up all across the board, but especially those coming from referrals by our Network affiliates!
We are grateful that our affiliates recognize the value of the benefits that Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network provides to our members. We further appreciate our affiliates passing our message and our value onto their students, customers, and friends. This networking by our “people in the know” allows us not only to compete, but to succeed against big companies who try to “buy” the market with high-priced, slick ads and empty words. We acknowledge that our industry is not an easy one to prosper in, and we are always rooting for our people who are working hard to succeed.
As the Armed Citizens’ Network grows, so do the benefits that we provide to our membership. Our Legal Defense Fund is now over $1,000,000 (and growing), and our initial attorney fee deposit has increased from $10,000 to $25,000. All of this is because of the great work our entire Network and especially what our Network affiliate members do by talking to their people about us and passing out our booklet What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self Defense Law. All of your efforts are making a difference.
I would also like to mention that the response from my June article about sharing your “first call” attorneys with us has been great! We have brought several new and very capable attorneys onboard based on your recommendations. So for that and more, I say “Thank you!” and keep the recommendations coming!
A quick follow up to something cool I wrote about back in April: John Boch of Guns Save Life in IL has really promoted the Armed Citizens’ Network to his students and dozens have joined! From my earlier mention of John, you may remember that one of the programs that Guns Save Life Defense Training teaches that really caught my attention was their one-day seminar Personal Protection for Teens. I know we all like to joke about how impossible teenagers are, especially high schoolers and college students, but John and Guns Save Life are doing a great job of reaching out to this underserved community and giving them a starting place to learn to look after themselves responsibly. John’s website explains that “Personal Protection for Teens…teaches the young adult in your life, ages 12-22, the skills they can use to avoid trouble and keep themselves safe in today’s world. Recent terror attacks and spree killings, along with increasingly violent cities have more and more folks thinking proactively about their safety and security – as we all should. Personal Protection for Teens brings some very timely and potentially life-saving skills to a one-day class.”
There’s another session offered on Sept. 10th, so if you have family in this age group please consider sending them to this valuable class. You’ll be supporting a member who really supports the Network. See for details. And to John (pictured above), we extend a heartfelt thank you for all of his hard work!
In closing, we are really pleased and appreciative of all of the work that all our affiliates are doing to increase Network membership. Since it is the height of the training season, if you notice that your supply of the Armed Citizens’ Network booklet What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self Defense Law is running low, send me an email and I will get you more to share with responsible armed citizens that you meet at ranges, matches, shows, or clubs. Just drop me an email at
To read more of this month's journal, please click here.