Marty eJournal column pixLetters!
We Get Letters!

by Marty Hayes, J.D.

Occasionally non-members write to us with questions that I think need to be addressed more widely than just an individual response. 

This column is a great venue for discussions of such matters, so let me share two samples from my email inbox this last month.

One question was headed:”Unanswered Rebuttal: Why We Need Assault Rifles” referring to my article at The message read:

“In your article from 2013 about why we need assault rifles you bring up many valuable points.

I think these counter arguments should be explored and answered. Maybe they are answered in other articles. If so, you might want to add a link at the bottom of the page.

Argument 1: 100 million gun owners are no match for an organized and trained military or police force who are trained to work together. Gun owners may be trained on many things like clearing a room, digging in or firing accuracy. But they don’t operate in the ORGANIZED fashion of a military or police force.

Argument 2: A massive arsenal is still no match for the military. One well-placed 2000 lb. guided bomb from the bay of a B-1 bomber ends the fight.

Argument 3: Where is the line drawn? Are you suggesting the citizen should be able to have hand grenades, land mines, tanks, fighter jets, bombers, and nukes? This may sound ludicrous but should all of these be legal?

“How does someone answer these questions in an educated manner? Thanks.”

My answer to him was: “Jim: I took a few days to answer your query, and then I saw the following article That article pretty much explains the “well regulated militia” aspect of your question.

“I believe that author could have said so much more. I would add, specifically, that even though we have about two million armed service members in uniform and close to a million more cops, not all would fight for the government. In fact, I estimate that the vast majority would join the insurgents. I am glad you are considering this issue.”

Then, we also receive questions or comments like one on which the subject line read: “Rage.” 

The body of the message went on to read:“Can I defend myself against someone who wants to do me bodily harm? If a man breaks out my car windows, wanting to get at me for what[ever] reason. Can I legally shoot the ***, if I carry a concealed weapon? Can I use pepper spray on the***?

“I mind my own business. People curse me in cross walks. I ignore them. I say nothing. I want no retaliation. If they come after me anyway, do I take a beating? HELL, no! I will use pepper spray on them. I live in Centerville, Ohio. I am cursed daily. I obey the law. I do not make eye contact with people. Yet, some want to beat me to death. I am 68 years old. I am a Christian. I walk for exercise. Can U please tell me, why there is so much anger out there?

“What is wrong with the drivers in Centerville, Ohio? I am cursed in cross walks. I am cursed when I drive my car. Cursing does not bother me. When people come after me to attack me, I am not going to just let them beat me to a pulp, because they are having a bad day. Would U turn the other cheek? I just want to be left alone. Can U please tell me, why I am hated? I mind my own business. I obey the laws. Yet, I am cursed daily.” 

There really was nothing I could say that would have been a productive response to that rant, so his e-mail went unanswered. I thought not engaging with the man was the only thing to do because we certainly do not want him in the Network.

In closing, I’d like to wrap up a discussion between our members and me. After my last President’s Message, I received several comments about using the Legal Defense Fund for administrative considerations like helping members get their gun possession rights back after the legal problems following a self-defense incident are resolved.

The vast majority of the comments simply agreed with my message, and I appreciate that. A few thought perhaps we could develop another level of membership with higher dues to help with this part of the aftermath. The idea of tiered benefits is something that your Network leadership will consider and discuss. 

For now, I believe we have more important duties in the day-to-day operation of our organization, so no immediate changes are forthcoming. Thank you all for your input.

To read more of this month's journal, please click here.