
by Josh Amos

Compiled by Josh Amos

Hello, everyone! I have the pleasure of starting this article with a thank you! Thank you to all of you readers who took a minute and sent me an email about attorneys in your area that you thought would be good affiliated attorneys for the Network. The suggestions are still coming in, which really helps. I follow up on each one and as a result we have new affiliations with law firms in Newark, NJ and Tucson, AZ. Even if you don’t live in New Jersey or southern Arizona, you might find yourself there on business or on vacation, so wouldn’t it be nice to know that there are Network affiliated attorneys nearby when you are away from home?

There are lots of reasons that we are always on the look out for good attorneys with whom to affiliate. Our existing affiliated attorneys might become involved with a case that could last a year or more and during that time, because they are committed to providing excellent representation, they may stop taking any new clients. Not long after I began my hands-on involvement in attorney recruitment, I had a very nice conversation with an attorney in an Eastern state who needed a leave of absence from her service as an affiliated attorney. She was so deeply embroiled in a case that while she would continue to provide assistance to her existing clients, she had decided her firm should stop taking new clients until she was free of her pressing obligations in the big case.

Fortunately, the Network has a number of other great affiliated attorneys in her state, so while we were sorry to temporarily remove her name from the attorney list, we also felt deep respect for her decision. In addition, our affiliated attorneys sometimes accept appointments to the judicial bench, move to a different state or retire. Occasionally, we are saddened when an attorney’s family or a paralegal or other staff member regretfully tells us that the attorney has departed this earth. These things happen, and we need to be prepared. That’s why we are so very appreciative of any leads you may have.

In addition to high traffic states like New Jersey, the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network seeks to ensure there are affiliated attorneys even in the lower population states. A good example is North Dakota, where last month we were delighted to announce the addition of a new affiliated attorney. Members, if you missed that announcement, log in to North Dakota affiliate. Back in May, it was very satisfying to affiliate with a criminal defense attorney who practices in Casper, WY, filling another gap in a low-population state. Network members can log in and view details at

Miguel Gonzales

Heading to warmer climes, over the past few months we have also been extremely pleased to affiliate with an El Paso, TX firm, a contact derived from the recommendations of our Advisory Board member John Farnam. That recruitment exemplified networking at its best! Now, this month, we were delighted to renew acquaintances with an attorney in Tucson, AZ who provided representation to a Network member in 2014 after an improvised weapon defense. We’ve been working to formalize an affiliation with an attorney this far South in AZ for a long time, so we hope our members will log in to the listing for our new Tucson attorney and take advantage of this renewed relationship. Please members, if you have recommendations for attorney affiliations, please contact me at 360-978-5200 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In closing, I just had to share an image of a friendly face that made me smile when I saw it! This is our friend Miguel from Gun Free Zone. He recently posted a picture of himself wearing his new Network ball cap. Now, as members know, we don’t recommend you wear our cap or any other gun-specific logo wear when you pick up your kid at school, go to the bank, or when you go to a baseball game, but they are great conversation starters with other armed citizens and we surely do appreciate you flying our colors in appropriate gun-centric venues. And, by the way, if you don’t already, follow Gun Free Zone at

Network members, if you have fun pictures of yourself wearing your Network ball cap, send them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll have a little fun sharing our love for the Network with one another.

To read more of this month's journal, please click here.