Including ... Guns & Gear for Self Defense • President's Message • Attorney Question of the Month • Book Review • Networking • Editorial • About this Journal
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Guns and Gear for Self Defense
An Interview with Vicki and John Farnam
Interview by Gila Hayes
Experienced armed citizens owe newcomers more than the commercialized gimmicks so often marketed to shooters, of whom our newest gun owners are the most vulnerable. We owe sound guidance to these newcomers; we owe them the benefit of our experience and hard-learned knowledge, lest all armed citizens suffer public backlash from unwitting, but preventable errors.
John and Vicki Farnam are at the forefront of responsible armed defense instruction, teaching a demanding training regimen, free of meaningless fluff, and based on what they well know will be demanded of an armed citizen using a gun in self defense.
When we saw John and Vicki at the SHOT Show in January, we asked them if they could synopsize the critical experience and knowledge so badly needed by new students of the armed lifestyle. Here is what they had to say:
eJournal: What are the top two or three issues that all new gun carriers need to work out? Gun selection? Caliber? Concealed carry skills and equipment? What are the leading concerns?
President’s Message
The Joys of Travel
by Marty Hayes, J.D.
As I write this, I am sitting in Denver International Airport, returning home after a planning session for The Best Defense TV show (, as seen on The Outdoor Channel. It is always fun to see the guys from the show and the behind the scenes guys, too. I am looking forward to getting to work on the show this year again. Many, many people came up to me at the NRA show last month and said hi, told me how they like the show, and what I do on there. Hopefully we will not disappoint this year.
Attorney Question of the Month
Shooting someone in self defense is universally recognized as an act of deadly force, but what about self defense with a knife? While a knife can certainly be used as a deadly weapon, often a knife cut is not deadly, not debilitating, and may heal without medical treatment. With that in mind, our question of the month is–
Does the court always consider the knife a deadly weapon? Are there possible situations in which a person defending him- or herself with a knife might NOT be viewed as attempting to kill another?
Book Review
by Alexandria Kincaid
270 pages, 1st edition December 22, 2015
ISBN-10: 0996917535
270 pages, 6x9 Hardbound, Retail: $34.95
Reviewed by Gila Hayes
Gun laws are often confusing and sometimes contradictory, so we were pleased when attorney Alexandria Kincaid shared a copy of her new book Infringed to bring some clarity to this complex topic.
News from our Affiliates
Compiled by Josh Amos and Gila Hayes
We have been having a lot of fun here at the Network offices, now that Josh is on the team! With a team member dedicated to affiliate matters, our interaction with the good men and women who have long been telling armed citizens in their communities about us has gone up about 1000%!
Lloyd Mitchell has been a member and affiliated instructor with the Network for years. Lately, Lloyd has transitioned from teaching to purveying shooting accessories and need-to-haves for the shooting community.
Editor’s Notebook
Friends and Mentors
by Gila Hayes
While burning the midnight oil to wrap up this journal a few days early so I could go off and spend three days polishing long-range rifle skills under Chuck Taylor’s expert tutelage, I found myself reflecting on how many truly extraordinary men and women teaching in the firearms industry today have guided my personal evolution. It dovetails neatly with the kind of mentorship on which the Network is built. Our print ad campaign focuses on the endorsements of Massad Ayoob, Chuck Taylor, John Farnam, Tom Givens, Dennis Tueller and Tom Gresham.
About this Journal
The eJournal of the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc. is published monthly on the Network’s website at Content is copyrighted by the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc.