Compiled by Gila Hayes
The name of Affiliated Instructor Laurie Winslow’s business would be a good motto for all of us in these post-Paris terrorism days: Keep Calm and Carry. We recently sent this instructor a resupply of our Foundation’s booklet, What Every Gun Owner Needs to know About Self-Defense Law. Keep Calm has a full slate of Oregon CHL training slated for December, and can provide a good variety of pistol, gun safety, child gun safety, gun selection, and personal safety classes upon request. Check out the full array of classes at and get to know more about Laurie at and at It is a very full website, so plan to spend some time there learning.
Network Affiliated Instructor Nick Pratt of MP Training keeps busy teaching firearms classes and making custom Kydex® holsters. See his very attractive work at Nick also teaches the IL concealed carry class, plus NRA pistol courses. For more information, see
Did you know that the Network also provides membership benefits to our citizens in U.S. Territories? We here in the states tend to forget about our armed citizen family in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The Network has members, Affiliated Attorneys, Affiliated Instructors and Affiliated Gun Shops in Puerto Rico, including Bull’s Eye Gun Shop in Fajardo, PR. When I checked in with Juan and Evelyn to see how their supply of our booklets was holding up, they responded with a picture of a nice display containing What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self-Defense Law right by their shop’s front door. Thanks, folks, for spreading the word in a distant location we would have trouble reaching ourselves!
We extend a warm Network welcome to our newest Affiliated Instructor, Todd Fossey of Integrated Defense Strategies, Independence, MN. Todd’s well rounded instructional program includes concealed carry instruction, MN CCW application and renewal training, ground fighting, women’s self defense, firearms maintenance seminars, a survival program teaching about “wild edibles” and Krav Maga. His website cites five “core” elements of his concealed carry class, to wit: legal education, mental and behavioral preparation, hand to hand combative training, firearm implementation and simulated scenario exercises. Read more at
You’ve got to love the philosophy expressed by Affiliated Instructors, Tammy and Todd Smith of GunStart in Wasilla, AK. “Our goal isn’t to train for the zombie apocalypse or jump out of flaming helicopters – we’ll leave that to the military and swat teams. The reality is that civilians face completely different threats than military or police and as such, need skills geared toward the situations they will most likely face.” Read about their classes at They also work to build community with their graduates through GunStart Gatherings described at Todd and Tammy are a great resource for armed Alaskans! Learn more at
In addition to a nice selection of rifles, pistols and shotguns, our Affiliate Jim Dooley of Middleboro Gun Shop is reaching armed citizens in Massachusetts with the Network’s message through his gun safety classes. See his class information at and bear in mind that for gun sales, as well as firearm cleaning and repair, the Middleboro Gun Shop has got you covered.
In Philadelphia, PA, the crew at The Gun Range has kept the Network’s materials in front of range visitors and students in firearms classes at that facility for a number of years.
We appreciate how hard it is to keep a range going in such a heavily urban environment. Formerly Colosimo’s Target Range, The Gun Range is Philadelphia’s oldest indoor shooting range. Get to know them at
We became acquainted with Affiliated Instructor Chris Ashworth when he was teaching gun safety and concealed carry courses in WI. While his professional life has taken a new direction, Chris continues to talk about the benefits of Network membership when he teaches from his new location in TX. Interestingly, in comparing our convention calendars, Chris let slip that he is also part of the Gunwerks team putting out high-end precision rifles as well as teaching the skills to get the most out of these working pieces of art. Learn more at
Affiliated Instructor Richard Barbaras operates Riclin Firearms Training in Alamogordo, NM. He teaches pistol, shotgun and carbine skills, including a low light class that includes realistic scenario training, special programs for disabled shooters, private and small class lessons, as well as the NM CCW course. His blog at is a fun mix of current events commentary and skill builder hints. For more information on his classes, visit his website, or call Richard at 575-430-3040
Become a better shooter, get a handle on what to expect after a shooting, and learn Minnesota gun law when you train with Jim and Lynne Fleming at Mid-Minnesota Self-Defense, Inc. Class descriptions are at so look them over and then give the Flemings a call to schedule training. Owners/instructors Jim and Lynne Fleming are long-time Network supporters, with Lynne participating as an Affiliated Instructor, and Jim serving on the Network Advisory Board.
In Rochester, IL, our Affiliated Instructor Jim West is handing each student a copy of our Foundation’s booklet, so when he asked for more, we happily sent enough for both his students and to be sure there are enough copies to share with the range’s clientele, too.
Affiliated Instructor Alecs Dean in Ft. Myer, FL is a very busy NRA Counselor, meaning that he teaches the firearms instructors. Alecs has a full slate of NRA instructor and shooter courses scheduled for December and January. These range from range safety officer courses, instructor programs to become certified to teach Refuse to Be A Victim, Personal Protection Outside the Home, Pistol and Home Firearms Safety and a lot more. In addition, he’s scheduled a Women On Target AR-15 day in Naples, FL for February 22. To learn more, phone 239-357-3437 or Email Alecs at
This is only a smattering of the affiliates we’re in touch with weekly, providing copies of the Armed Citizens’ Educational Foundation’s booklet What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know About Self-Defense Law and our tri-fold brochures. Affiliates and members, you can also get these materials by calling me at 360-978-5200 or emailing
We always enjoy reading about our Affiliated Instructor’s programs! Affiliates, please send me an email if you have any special events like open houses, special classes or other interesting tidbits that we can announce for you in this column. If announcing an event, about 60 days advance notice is best since we publish only once a month.
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