Karl RehnNow in his 31st year of teaching, Karl Rehn was among the first of the regionally prominent firearms instructors to join forces with the Network in 2008 and has since introduced many of his students to us. Owner and chief instructor at KR Training outside of Bryan, TX, Rehn is author of Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training (https://armedcitizensnetwork.org/december-2019-book-review) which we reviewed for our online member’s journal in 2019, although he is also recognized for his work in force-on-force training.

In addition to operating KR Training, Karl worked in a research lab for 23 years and taught courses for the Department of Homeland Security for nine years before retiring from government service. He has attended over 3,000 hours of training with more than 80 instructors, paid out of his own pocket, not by his agency or employer. He is now a full-time trainer and professional musician, spending roughly equal amounts of time on both careers.

Karl was one of the first guest columnists for this online journal, writing Beyond the Firing Line (https://armedcitizensnetwork.org/our-journal/2008-journals/902-may-2008-network-journal#beyond) about force-on-force classes. We revisited his work several years ago in an article (https://armedcitizensnetwork.org/the-value-of-force-on-force-training) about training. Learn more about Karl on his KR Training website (https://www.krtraining.com/newinst/karlbio.html).